Modelling the Logistics of Mantzikert

Modelling the Logistics of Mantzikert is the monograph resulting from the AHRC-EPSRCS-Jisc e-Science project, ‘Medieval Warfare on the Grid’. It uses computer simulation to gain a fresh perspective on the logistical context of the Byzantine army’s march across Anatolia in AD 1071. It is intended to be a synthesis of the project and subsequent work, which made more extensive use of 19th century sources.

If you’d like to follow the published output of the project in order then here’s a timeline:

General Issues in the Study of Medieval Logistics (ed. Haldon, 2006) collected a selection of papers highlighting the problems that the Medieval Warfare on the Grid project was subsequently designed to answer.

During the project a number of papers were published detailing the ongoing progress.

Medieval Military Logistics: A Case for Distributed Agent- based Simulation (Murgatroyd et al, 2010)

Marching across Anatolia: Medieval Logistics and Modeling the Mantzikert Campaign (Haldon et al, 2011)

Modelling medieval military logistics: an agent-based simulation of a Byzantine army on the march (Murgatroyd et al, 2012)

MWGrid: A system for distributed agent-based simulation in the digital humanities (Craenen et al, 2012)

‘Only Individuals’: moving the Byzantine army to Manzikert (Gaffney et al, 2013)

Calm Before the Storm? Modelling Military Supply and Movement (Murgatroyd et al, 2014)

Future work in the area of the simulation of pre-modern logistics is underway and will be linked here when there is anything to show.